Wednesday, December 12, 2012

More minor updates and CHECK THE PH OFTEN!

This just in, CHECK THE PH DAILY (according to the Mr. Grow) not just once at the beginning, as I  had done.  All of my plants are fine though, but I was reading a PH of about 7.5-8.

The other night (12/8) I added 2 more tsp of nutrient solution to the basil and lettuce DWC tote. So far I have been running half nutrients so the plants could get used to it.  The additional 2 tsp of nutrients should bring the mix to close to full strength.

Tonight (12/13) I took a look at the roots of my plants, checked the PH in the DWC containers and checked on my seedlings.

 The lettuce roots are filling out nicely and are bright white, a sign that they are very healthy, woohoo!

 The lettuce are close to all being mature.  The Simpson Elite (bright yellow in the middle) seems to be thriving better that any of them, although the red leafy stuff is growing pretty full as well.

All of the new seedlings (purchased online in the last month or so) are growing great in the seedling tray with the heating mat under it.  Most of these are ready to transplant, which I hope to do in the next couple of days.

The strawberry plants are still growing well, with new growth continually spiraling up from the crown.

The strawberry roots are starting to really fill out and they are a nice bright white also.  These plants don't seem to be suffering from not having a dormant season.  I'll know more, though, as they continue to grow and hopefully produce some delicious fruit!


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