What an exciting day today! We love strawberries. Our kids love strawberries. Strawberries might be the most delicious fruit on the planet. We would eat strawberries every day if we could. Today, Heather, Emma and I went out to Visser farms to get some bare-root strawberry plants to grow in our garden! Bare root strawberries are just strawberry plants that have gone dormant for the season.
I did a lot of research online about growing strawberries, and everything I read stated that in order to grow correctly, strawberries need to endure a "false winter," of around a month at least. I followed the instructions I found to trim off the strawberry leaves, leaving only the crown and roots. I then wrapped the roots in a damp paper towel, slid them in a plastic bag, and popped them in the crisper for their "winter."
I did a lot of research online about growing strawberries, and everything I read stated that in order to grow correctly, strawberries need to endure a "false winter," of around a month at least. I followed the instructions I found to trim off the strawberry leaves, leaving only the crown and roots. I then wrapped the roots in a damp paper towel, slid them in a plastic bag, and popped them in the crisper for their "winter."
However, Judd, my guy at Mr. Growitall hydroponics store, called one of his longtime friends who has a lot of experience growing strawberries hydroponically. He told me that his guy never "wintered," his strawberries, and instead just placed them into a DWC (deep water culture) system or Ebb and Flow system and let them go wild.
Sooo, Emma and I left the hydroponics store with a brand new bubble bucket. A bubble bucket is just a self-contained DWC system, all it needs is an air-stone and nutrient water. The lid of the bubble bucket has a net cup built in to it, no Dremel for Heather today.
Emma filled the net cup lid with grow rocks so we knew just how much we needed.
Then, she rinsed off the grow stones to remove any dust or small debris before we plant into them.
Every new system requires an air stone. And an additional air line plugged into the manifold that came with my utility air pump.
I strung the air hose through the net cup.
Then I attached the new air stone to the end of the hose, so that it will hang just below the basket, maximizing the amount of bubbles going up into the net cup.
Bubble bath!
(or a functioning DWC system)
Strawberry plants need to be planted so the roots are buried, but the crown of leaf buds is not.
For this reason, I held the strawberry plants in place while Emma "carefully," added grow stones all around them.
She was quite proud of her work.
Now all I can do is wait and dream about those delicious strawberries!